Issue 2020

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We are very happy to present Fraction Magazine Japan Annual again this year.
This year, it was very difficult to go abroad due to the global outbreak of coronavirus. In such a situation, this year's issue focuses on Korean artists. I would have liked to go to Korea to meet the artists if I could, but with the current situation, that was not an option. Nevertheless, I am able to introduce some important Korean artists to you thanks to the help of Professor Kim Seung-kon. I would like to thank him once again, albeit from the paper.
Professor Kim Seung-kon gave a lecture at Tokyo University of the Arts on October 26, 2019 in which he introduced Korean photographers in relation to the modern history of Korea. The photographers introduced were very diverse, and Professor Kim categorized them as documentary, fine art, contemporary, and new generation photographers. Of course, the activities of the individual artists may go beyond these categories, but it shows the depth of the Korean photographers. I hope to be able to introduce more fascinating Korean photographers in the future.
I think the issue that the coronavirus poses to us is a boundary. The boundary between the self and others or between individual and society, country and nation, inside and outside, visible and invisible, good and evil, light and dark, life and death, seems to highlight the problems lurking in our minds. In a world that seems to have plunged into chaos, the issues raised by the photographer may be questioning the nature of our individual existence.

今年もFraction Magazine Japan Annualをお届けすることが出来て大変ありがたく思います。