Issue 2021

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What I am interested in is what the photographer feels  reality.
The environment around us is shrinking.For the reason that it is a coronavirus pandemic.
We are not free to go to the country we want, we are not free to go to the restaurant we want, we are not free to see the friends we want.
We stay at home, get our meals delivered by Uber, and listen to and talk to people on Zoom, Skype, and YouTube. We are connected to the world virtually, but our flesh and blood bodies are trapped. The world is distorted and dissolved as if we were taking hallucinogens. You may not be able to find peace of mind there.
Then the small, real time and space you are in suddenly zooms up. Your own body, your family's body, various things around you that you have never paid attention to before. Perceivable natural phenomena. The smells, the touches... The people in your memory. The dead. Signs brought by something invisible.
The concept of "one equals many"  and "many equals one" is based on the worldview of the Kegon, the idea that there is a whole in every fragment. How will the reality that the photographer has found show us the world?
I am pleased to present the Fraction Magazine Japan Annual for 2021.
Once again this year, I was not able to meet the international photographers in person.
With the help of Yuko Yamaji, curator of the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, and Kosuke Okahara, photographer and Pitch Grant organizer, I 
 introduce nine photographers. Thank you very much and I appreciate their effort very much.

2021年のFraction Magazine Japan Annualをお届けします。今年もまた現地にリサーチに行くことが出来ませんでした。
清里フォトアートミュージアムの学芸員の山地裕子さんと写真家でPitch Grantを主催されている岡原功祐さんのご協力でなんとか9人の写真家を紹介することができました。ありがとうございました。