Wind blows, settle in the land
by Asako Sugaizumi
The reason I take pictures is not for recording personal moments in life.
Neither is it a record of specific places or subjects.
What’s captured are nameless, nondescript images.
A piece of plastic blown by the wind. Some moss growing in a puddle. Artificial flowers in a window pane. Probably mundane images that are no more than a snippet of everyday life.
Yet, when with a brush of light these nameless infringements of time are drawn out, they offer us some evidence of life spun by the mundane, a whiff at human existence.
I’m drawn to those things because I understand that my significance is no different from any of the captured images.
However, my intention is not just to capture and collect such images.
While taking a photograph is personal, photographs are meant to be seen by others.
The observer of my photographs and the images in them are equal in significance.
The photographer, the object of the photograph and the observer are related in this way as equals.
The moment an image, made material by printing on photographic paper, is put on display for others to see, it transcends itself to become a manifestation.
As the observer takes in the manifestation with the eye, an open space that mediates the observer and myself is created, and the original image travels beyond my perception, and we arrive at a new perspective.
The function of my photographs will have been accentuated when they break free of me.
Asako Sugaizumi lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.
To view more of Asako Sugaizumi's work, please visit her website.

by 菅泉亜沙子