They are not me but me 須藤絢乃

They are not me but me by Ayano Sudo  

01AyanoSudo_thats cause that guy isn’t human but some kind of godish japanese hottie from another world.jpg
"Thats cause that guy isn’t human but some kind of godish japanese hottie from another world" 2010

02AyanoSudo_thats cause that guy isn’t human but some kind of godish japanese hottie from another world.jpg
"Thats cause that guy isn’t human but some kind of godish japanese hottie from another world" 2010

03AyanoSudo_thats cause that guy isn’t human but some kind of godish japanese hottie from another world.jpg
"Thats cause that guy isn’t human but some kind of godish japanese hottie from another world" 2010

04AyanoSudo_thats cause that guy isn’t human but some kind of godish japanese hottie from another world.jpg
"Thats cause that guy isn’t human but some kind of godish japanese hottie from another world" 2010

05AyanoSudo_They are not me, but me.jpg
"They are not me, but me" 2011

06AyanoSudo_They are not me, but me.jpg
"They are not me, but me" 2011

07AyanoSudo_They are not me, but me.jpg
"They are not me, but me" 2011

08AyanoSudo_They are not me, but me.jpg
"They are not me, but me" 2011

09AyanoSudo_They are not me, but me.jpg
"They are not me, but me" 2011

10AyanoSudo_boy with black framed glasses.jpg
"A boy with black framed glasses" 2011

"Fluffygirl" 2011

"Naoki" 2011



15AyanoSudo_Went outside and saw the moon And it made me think of you.jpg
"Went outside and saw the moon And it made me think of you" 2012

"Rabbie Boy" 2012

17AyanoSudo_セントラルパークの赤ずきんちゃん Red Riding Hood wears Hi-Tech parka, Central Park, N.Y..jpg
"セントラルパークの赤ずきんちゃん" "Red Riding Hood wears Hi-Tech parka, Central Park, N.Y." 2012

18AyanoSudo_A Japanese girl and a western girl are playing cards in the warm room.jpg
"A Japanese girl and a western girl are playing cards in the warm room" 2012

18AyanoSudo_Boys of paradise.jpg
"Boys of paradise" 2013

20AyanoSudo_Puce moment.jpg
"Puce moment" 2013

被写体の性別を超えた変身願望や理想像を写真に納め、少女マンガのカラー原稿と写真の狭間にあるような平面作品を発表。独自のテクスチャをもった印画紙にプリントされ、さらにグリッターなどで装飾され、照明の元でキラキラと輝く仕様になっている。2011 年、ミオ写真奨励賞にて森村泰昌賞受賞。その後ニューヨークの写真フェアでデヴュー。国内外のフェアでの展示を経て、10 月に台湾で初個展。実在する行方不明の少女たちに自ら扮したシリーズ「幻影 Gespenster」でキャノン写真新世紀2014年グランプリを受賞。同タイトルの作品集がフランスの出版社より販売中。国内外の展覧会、アートフェアをベースに活動中。

須藤絢乃 ウェブサイト