Fraction Magazine Japan is looking for work that is strong and unique, brings something new to the photographic community, is immediately ready for promotion, and has a tight and cohesive edit. Submissions are open to Japanese and East Asian photographers.
Portfolio Submissions
Please email
Please send the following info:
- the link to your personal, custom domain (not flickr, smugmug, facebook, etc) like
- the name of the portfolio you want considered (from one body of work)
- your portfolio must have a minimum of 15 to 20 images (30images maximum)
- a short statement of 200 words in English & 300 words in Japanese
- please do not send attachements
- please put "portfolio submission" in the subject line.
* If you have any questions or difficulties with translation to English or Japanese, please feel free to ask us. We are pleased to introduce professional translators.
Thank you for thinking of Fraction Magazine Japan.