The Reality of Noise

Selected by Naoko Ohta
Commissioner, “Tokyo-ga” photography project

Statement by Naoko Ohta

Time and tide
by Taishi Hirokawa

The movable and the immovable

There are time units determined by the human being; the second, the minute, the hour, the day and the year. 70 or 80 years, the whole life of human being is counted on the basis of 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.  Millions of years or billions of years are inconceivable unit to the human being.
Bacteria, insects, cats & dogs, or trees seem to complete their lives under their own time units. One day for the human being might be one year for the other various forms of life, or the other way round. An ant lion or a giant tortoise, how do they spend their lives?
Rocks and mountains are considered to be immovable, but the earth’s surface is always moving by the diastrophism. A pebble becomes a huge rock with moss on it in thousand years, as sung in the national anthem of our country. The ocean bed becomes high mountain soaring to the sky in such a long time.
Everything in earthly world is moving and changing all the time.

Taishi Hirokawa is a photographer based in Tokyo, Japan.
To view more of Taishi Hirokawa's work, please visit his website.

02 Taihi Hirokawa  Time and tide ―age of the tree― #1.jpg
Time and tide ―age of the tree― #1

03 Taihi Hirokawa  Time and tide ―age of the tree― #2.jpg
Time and tide ―age of the tree― #2

04 Taihi Hirokawa  Time and tide ―age of the tree― #3.jpg
Time and tide ―age of the tree― #3

05 Taihi Hirokawa  Time and tide ―age of the tree― #4.jpg
Time and tide ―age of the tree― #4

06 Taihi Hirokawa  Time and tide ―age of the tree― #5.jpg
Time and tide ―age of the tree― #5

07 Taishi Hirokawa  Time and tide 循環#7.jpg
Time and tide 循環#7

08 Taishi Hirokawa  Time and tide  -月・日- #4#5.jpg
Time and tide -月・日- #4#5

09 Taishi Hirokawa  Time and tide  -月・日- #6#7.jpg

Time and tide -月・日- #6#7

10 Taishi Hirokawa  Time and tide  -月・日- #8.jpg
Time and tide -月・日- #8

11 Taishi Hirokawa  Time and tide  -月・日- #9.jpg
Time and tide -月・日- #9

12 Taishi Hirokawa  Time and tide  -月・日- #10.jpg
Time and tide -月・日- #10

13 Taishi Hirokawa  Time and tide #11.jpg
Taishi Hirokawa Time and tide #11