Special Issue for Mt. Rokko International Photo Festival 2013
by Coju Hemmi
In "Timeless", I present scenery from a car window where time and space is compressed.
Life is often compared to a journey. As life has no final destination, there is no final destination for a journey either. The process goes on and on infinitely. We think we have reached a destination only to find it is a pass point and a destination is somewhere else.
Through this series, I tried to compress not only time and space but also the process and distance which emerged along the way. The resulting images look like "warp" from a science fiction movie, or "Teleportation Door" from a comic book.
The modern society is called "a dog year" and it passes with enormous speed. We are almost drawn in a sea of information. Besides, no one seems to know what is right or wrong. We feel as if we were advancing in a permanent gray zone.
I express such atmosphere in the gray scale of my photographs. On the other hand, the intensity running though the imagery derives from a determination to live through beyond time and space under any circumstances.
Coju Hemmi is a photographer based in Tokyo, Japan.
To view more of Coju Hemmi's work, please visit his website.